Saturday, May 22, 2010

Carmen Soo describes Robin Padilla as a very charming gentleman

Malaysian star Carmen Soo revealed that she is now beginning to understand why Filipinas swoon over action heartthrob Robin Padilla. Carmen was recently introduced as one of the additional female hosts in Wowowee, while Robin Padilla began his stint as guest host for the noontime show last May 15, temporarily filling in for Willie Revillame. “When I came to the Philippines, people would often tell me that he is a famous action star. But I have never seen any of his movies or any interviews or even a photo of him. When I got to meet him in Wowowee, I was finally able to put a face on the name.”

Carmen admitted that everyday on Wowowee she gets to see how Robin conducts himself in front of his fans, and she gets to understand the distinct charm that the ladies frequently talk about. “I think he is very charming, he’s very confident. I think he really lives up to his name as an action superstar. He has such a presence that leaves everyone in awe, not just those watching him on television but those around him in the studio.” Carmen said that she is also pleased that Robin would make an effort to converse with her in English.

She further shared that although Robin had admitted that he got cold feet every time he would step on stage, all of them on Wowowee credit the action idol for his willingness to learn and adapt. “I think he has gotten really relaxed and gotten the feel of the show. He is really enjoying the show. He has blended with everyone but at the same time he was able to bring in his own style of hosting.”

Carmen also said that everyone on the show is having fun watching Robin establish a chemistry with each of the female hosts, particularly Mariel Rodriguez and Pokwang. “I think Robin and Mariel are doing very well. I must say that he really reaches out to all of us hosts especially to Mariel and Pokwang because they frequently host Will of Fortune, a big part of the program. It’s fun to see him having chemistry not just with Mariel but also with Pokwang. It’s nice to see that he’s very generous, he loves to share the stage with all of us.”

When asked if she wants to Robin to stay on Wowowee for good, Carmen chose to remain neutral. “That’s not for me to decide, ha ha ha! That’s beyond my control. It’s all up between him and the management.”

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